Join us on Friday, September 26, 2025 - though that’s just the start.

Why we created Ohio Tech Day

Two reasons: (1) To show Ohio’s students the many paths to a successful career in tech and (2) to celebrate the incredible people, companies, and ideas that make Ohio tech and innovation happen.

With an education, computer, and internet connection anyone can change the world. And you don’t have to leave home.

To start, students need to see and learn that there are many paths to tech and innovation. Ohio Tech Day is just the start.

When is Ohio Tech Day?

Friday, September 26, 2025. Each year we hold #OhioTechDay on the final Friday in September.

What is Ohio Tech Day?

A statewide celebration of tech and innovation to inspire Ohio’s next generation of tech leaders. Ohio Tech Day consists of three parts:

  1. One statewide virtual celebration. Open and accessible to anyone. This event will be built for high school students. All videos will be shown and available on the OhioX YouTube Channel.

  2. DIY events across the state. Schools, companies, and organizations build and host their own local events to celebrate. A few examples include:

    • For schools

      • Invite local tech pros in to speak to your classroom

      • Host a special class session on tech topics

      • Celebrate with your tech clubs. Some examples are robotics or drone clubs sharing their work with new students or your local community.

    • For businesses

      • Invite local schools to your business and show students what tech careers look like

      • Invite the media or an elected official in for a tour to share why tech matters to Ohio’s economy

    • Social media

      • Joining #OhioTechDay can be as easy as sharing your innovation on social media. Just use that hashtag #OhioTechDay

  3. #OhioTechDay… let’s get Ohio tech trending on social. Share your work and passion for Ohio tech on social media! Just use the hashtag, #OhioTechDay, so the whole state can see!

Ohio Tech Day’s audience

Schools + Students

We hope #OhioTechDay is a celebration that helps provide programming, connections, and inspiration that educates and inspires Ohio’s students to consider careers in tech.

Higher Education + Career Training

Ohio’s universities, community colleges, and career technical and education centers are vital to the success of a strong tech talent pipeline. Use the day to recruit new students, build relationships with tech companies, and showcase your role in Ohio’s tech talent pipeline.

Ohio’s Tech Companies

We believe that every Ohio business is now a tech business. Ohio’s business community can get involved with #OhioTechDay to showcase your tech and innovation and the need for a strong and diverse tech-focused workforce.

Who’s behind Ohio Tech Day?

This day is created and organized by OhioX, a statewide technology and innovation nonprofit organization. We’re working to make Ohio a leading tech hub and our efforts are made possible by our incredible members.

Can my company or organization participate?

Yes! Any school, company, or organization is welcome.

Join us!